(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Kauer, Ferdinand.)
Ferdinand Kauer
(8 January 1751 — 13 April 1831)
Name in Other Languages: Фердинанд Кауэр, フェルディナンド・カウアー, فيرديناند كاوير
Aliases: Кауэр Ф., Кауер, Фердинанд, Кауер Фердинанд, Фердинанд Кауер, Кауэр Фердинанд, Кауэр, Фердинанд, Ferdinand Kaver, Ferdinand August Kauer
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 46946835, LCCN: n86133930, ISNI: 0000000122795375, GND: 118560697, SUDOC: 149647670, BNF: 13895883r, MusicBrainz: aef0f725-b395-4d33-9d26-e37e2fd64208, NKC: ola200205317, ICCU: MUSV035630, BNE: XX1744736, IATH: w6qv4ggj
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Pages in category "Kauer, Ferdinand/Books"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.