(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Jacobs-Bond, Carrie.)
Carrie Jacobs-Bond
(11 July 1862 — 28 December 1946)
Name in Other Languages: キャリー・ジェイコブ=ボンド, كارى چاكوبس بوند
Aliases: Carrie Minetta Jacobs-Bond
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 27258710, LCCN: n85049048, ISNI: 0000000073574102, [10 more...]GND: 118988352, SUDOC: 250612291, BNF: 13959915v, BIBSYS: 4005393, MusicBrainz: f4852b7b-c5a4-493d-ac50-4ed8bca74d23, NLA: 35777420, NKC: mzk2014813073, BNE: XX1770313, CiNii: DA18158140, IATH: w6sj1pkr
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Her most famous songs "I Love You Truly" and "Just Awearyin' for You" are from the 1901 collection Seven Songs as Unpretentious as the Wild Rose.