(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Hurlebusch, Conrad Friedrich.)
Conrad Friedrich Hurlebusch
(30 December 1691 — 17 December 1765)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Conrad Friedrich Hurlebusch, Corrado Federigo Hurlebusch
Name in Other Languages: コンラート・フリードリヒ・フルレブッシュ, Конрад Фридрих Хюрлебуш, كونراد فريدريتش هورليبوستش
Aliases: Конрад Хюрлебуш, Хюрлебуш Конрад Фридрих, Conrad Friedrich Jacob Hurlebusch
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 66734387, LCCN: n82098369, ISNI: 0000000081998634, GND: 118708236, SUDOC: 159238684, BNF: 148524492, MusicBrainz: 5ffab7dd-2f7a-408f-8cf8-06231e89f93d, NKC: jx20100216003, CiNii: DA13140498
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Pages in category "Hurlebusch, Conrad Friedrich/Collections"
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