(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Hogg, James.)
James Hogg
(1770 — 21 November 1835)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: The Ettrick Shepherd
Name in Other Languages: Джеймс Хогг, Seumas Hogg, Ջեյմս Հոգ, 詹姆斯·霍格, جیمز هوق, [6 more...]جیمز هوگ, ג'יימס הוג, A. James Hogg, جيمس هوغ, জেমস হগ, ジェイムス・ホグ
Aliases: Хогг, Джеймс, The Ettrick Shepherd, Ettrick shepherd, J. H. Craig, Jamek Hogg
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 22151505, LCCN: n80062998, ISNI: 0000000108777736, [9 more...]GND: 118552821, SUDOC: 128933046, BNF: 11993142n, MusicBrainz: b7ea3c0e-9a82-467c-878c-7a88b08badd9, NLA: 35201124, NKC: jn20000602972, ICCU: BVEV126110, BNE: XX1018490, IATH: w6668b72
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Year of birth ranges from 1770 to 1777