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Oscar Hammerstein II
(12 July 1895 — 23 August 1960)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein II
Name in Other Languages: أوسكار هامرستاين الثاني, اوسكار هامرستاين الثانى, اسکار همرستاین دوم, Oscar Hammerstein, אוסקר המרשטיין, オスカー・ハマースタイン2世, 오스카 해머스타인 2세, Оскар Хаммерстайн II, ออสการ์ แฮมเมอร์สไตน์ที่ 2, 奧斯卡·漢默斯坦二世, 奥斯卡·汉默斯坦二世
Aliases: 奧斯卡·哈麥斯坦二世, 奥斯卡·哈默斯坦, 奧斯卡·漢姆斯坦二世, Оскар II Хаммерстайн, Хаммерстайн, Оскар II, 해머스타인, 오스카 헤머스타인 2세, Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein II, Hammerstein II, Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein, Hammerstien, Oscar Greely Clendenning Hammerstein II, Oc Hammerstein, 00013308919 IPI, 奧斯卡·哈默斯坦, Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerste, همرستاین
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 196386, LCCN: n50020012, ISNI: 0000000117358007, GND: 11872018X, SELIBR: 253652, SUDOC: 070202877, BNF: 13894931j, BIBSYS: 90571088, MusicBrainz: a383f062-e527-4a57-98b0-9205b2f8f171, NLA: 35217377, NDL: 001152149, NKC: jo2003163203, ICCU: UBOV947951, BNE: XX1057664, CiNii: DA05276290, IATH: w6vf7qf7
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Grandson of the German-American composer and impresario Oscar Hammerstein I (1846-1919)
Pages in category "Hammerstein II, Oscar/Librettist"
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