(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Grützmacher, Friedrich .)
Friedrich Grützmacher (1 March 1832 — 23 February 1903)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Grützmacher, Grutzmacher
Name in Other Languages: فريدريتش جروتزماتشير , Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Grützmacher , Friedrich Grützmacher sen. , フリードリヒ・グリュッツマッハー , Фридрих Грюцмахер , [3 more... ] Friedrich Grutzmacher , 弗里德里希·格鲁茨马赫 , 弗里德里希·葛呂茲馬赫
Aliases: フリードリヒ・グリュッツマッヒャー , Grützmacher , Friedrich Wilhelm Grützmacher , Грюцмахер Фридрих , Frédéric Grützmacher
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 76581551 , LCCN : n81125406 , ISNI : 0000000109179316 , [12 more... ] GND : 118698508 , SELIBR : 324656 , SUDOC : 150879814 , BNF : 14821215b , BIBSYS : 40244 , MusicBrainz : e5111424-1676-4b3c-924c-2dc2d354bb2c , NLA : 35806514 , NKC : xx0043422 , ICCU : DDSV070265 , BNE : XX1052373 , CiNii : DA10069863 , IATH : w63t9v0s
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Pages in category "Grützmacher, Friedrich/Editor"
The following 34 pages are in this category, out of 34 total.
❉ – All (34) 🔊 – Recordings (4) 𝐍 – Naxos (11) S – Scores (26) P – Parts (27) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (19) O – Other (1) 🔀 📻
A C Cantabile et thême varié suivis d'un allegretto, Op.50 (Romberg, Bernhard) 6 Caprices, Op.10 (Uber, Alexander) Cello Concertino in D minor, Op.51 (Romberg, Bernhard) Cello Concerto in D major (Costanzi, Giovanni Battista) Cello Concerto No.9, Op.56 (Romberg, Bernhard) Cello Concerto No.10, Op.75 (Romberg, Bernhard) Cello Concerto, Op.129 (Schumann, Robert) 3 Cello Duos, Op.9 (Romberg, Bernhard) Cello Sonata in A major, Op.104 (Hummel, Johann Nepomuk) Cello Sonata No.1, Op.45 (Mendelssohn, Felix) Cello Sonata No.2, Op.58 (Mendelssohn, Felix) Cello Sonata, Op.65 (Chopin, Frédéric) 3 Cello Sonatas, Op.43 (Romberg, Bernhard) 6 Cello Suites, BWV 1007-1012 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Compositionen für Violoncell und Pianoforte (Schumann, Robert) Compositions diverses (Chopin, Frédéric) Concert Overture (Cherubini, Luigi)D D cont. E H I K L P S V