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Karl Friedrich Johann Girschner
(1794 — 1860)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Carl Friedrich Johann Girschner ; Christian Friedrich Johann Grischner
Name in Other Languages: Гиршнер, Кристиан Фридрих Иоганн, Christian Friedrich Johann Girschner, Christian Girschner, Carl Friedrich Girschner
Aliases: Кристиан Фридрих Иоганн Гиршнер
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 50057932, ISNI: 0000000115700630, GND: 120474867, BNF: 163581311, NKC: mzk2010578476, BNE: XX4615196
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- Detailed biography: None given
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Some sources list first name as Christian.
Pages in category "Girschner, Karl Friedrich Johann/Collections"
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