(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Gédalge, André.)
André Gédalge
(27 December 1856 — 5 February 1926)
Name in Other Languages: Андре Жедальж, André Gedalge, Andreas Gedalge, アンドレ・ジェダルジュ, Andre Gedalge, اندريه جيدالج, آندره گدالژ
Aliases: Жедальж, Жедальж Андре, Gédalge, Gedalge, Andre gedalge
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 39641346, LCCN: n88144779, ISNI: 0000000108903659, GND: 173100600, SUDOC: 028192184, BNF: 148003107, MusicBrainz: 07af5064-6bd8-4bf6-9a6b-a631ab9ed9f3, NKC: jn20020618013, Léonore: 19800035/105/13167, BNE: XX945554, IATH: w6mh05sz
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Pages in category "Gédalge, André/Dedicatee"
The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.