(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Gänsbacher, Josef.)
Josef Gänsbacher
(6 October 1829 — 5 June 1911)
Name in Other Languages: Йозеф Генсбахер, 約瑟夫·根司巴赫
Aliases: Генсбахер, Йозеф
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 54412737, LCCN: no2003079905, ISNI: 0000000046912145, [4 more...]GND: 116333278, BNF: 148096107, MusicBrainz: e39592cd-9528-4f14-808f-d1ae2a5df373, ICCU: DDSV128511
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- Famous singing teacher at the Conservatorium der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna, 1872-1904
- From ONB: Nestor der berühmten Gesangslehrer und Stimmbildner Wiens, beliebter und geistreicher Musiker, trat er auch als Sänger und Instrumentalist, besonders als Cellospieler und als Liederkomponist, hervor. (Arbiter of Vienna's famous voice teachers, valued and passionate musician, he performed as singer and instrumentalist, especially as a cellist and song composer.) Hence several cello work dedications.
- Not to be confused with his father, Beethoven's contemporary Johann Baptist Gänsbacher (1778—1844)
- Another photo, of him at home ONB
- HMB lists 13 works, mainly Lieder collections, 1875-98