(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Fuchs, Johann Nepomuk.)
Johann Nepomuk Fuchs
(5 May 1842 — 5 October 1899)
Name in Other Languages: چوهان نيپوموك فوتشس, ヨハン・ネポムク・フックス, Иоганн Непомук Фукс
Aliases: Фукс Иоганн Непомук, Joh. Nep. Fuchs, Joh. Nepomuk Fuchs, Johann N. Fuchs, J. N. Fuchs, Nepomuk Fuchs
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 10113463, LCCN: no93014071, ISNI: 0000000121204887, GND: 116843985, BNF: 148095688, BIBSYS: 3122290, MusicBrainz: f6888049-e6b4-4187-a222-216f2778b46d, NKC: mzk2011648392, IATH: w65m6h93
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