(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Foote, Arthur.)
(5 March 1853 — 8 April 1937)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Arthur William Foote ; Carl Erich ; Ferdinand Meyer
Name in Other Languages: 阿瑟·富特, アーサー・フット, آرثر فووت, Артур Фут, 아서 푸트, C. Erich
Aliases: Arthur William Foote, 아서 윌리엄 푸트, Фут, Артур
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 56802682, LCCN: n79089279, ISNI: 0000000081361094, GND: 116648341, SUDOC: 158303741, BNF: 139599135, MusicBrainz: 0145a211-e1b6-4c86-8554-c03137d52877, NLA: 35092497, NKC: xx0194774, BNE: XX1777778, CiNii: DA10899860, IATH: w6ws8zk2
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Pages in category "Foote, Arthur/Collections"
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