(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Foltmann, Niels Bo .)
Original works by this person are generally still subject to copyright. Submissions of copyrighted works are allowed only with the permission of the copyright holder. In the US, all works published in 1929 and earlier in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright (with some exceptions). See public domain and the licensing policy for more information.
Niels Bo Foltmann (Unknown)
External links
Detailed biography: None given
Miscellaneous information
Danish musicologist.
Researcher at the Royal Danish Library.
Editor of the Gade Edition since 1991.
Pages in category "Foltmann, Niels Bo/Editor"
The following 64 pages are in this category, out of 64 total.
❉ – All (64) 𝐍 – Naxos (38) S – Scores (64) P – Parts (9) V – Vocal Scores (9) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (44) L – Libretti (1) 🔀 📻
A Afholdssangen, CNW 290 (Nielsen, Carl) Aftenstemning, CNW 359 (Nielsen, Carl) Aladdin, Op.34 (Nielsen, Carl) Aldrig hans Ord kan jeg glemme!, CNW 286 (Nielsen, Carl) Ariels Sang, CNW 302 (Nielsen, Carl)B D E G H I J L M N O P Paaske-Liljen, CNW 361 (Nielsen, Carl) Pieces for 'Danske Korsange', FS 54 (Nielsen, Carl) Pieces for 'Folkehøjskolens Melodibog', FS 103 (Nielsen, Carl) Pieces for 'Melodier til Sangbogen Danmark', FS 111 (Nielsen, Carl) Pieces for 'Nye Melodier til Johan Borups Dansk Sangbog', FS 120 (Nielsen, Carl) Pieces for 'Tillæg til Folkehøjskolens Melodibog', FS 125 (Nielsen, Carl) Pieces for 60 danske Kanoner, FS 152 (Nielsen, Carl) Polyteknisk Læreanstalts Centenary Cantata, CNW 112 (Nielsen, Carl)R S Sanct Hansaftenspil, CNW 13 (Nielsen, Carl) Saul og David, CNW 1 (Nielsen, Carl) Serenade, CNW 277 (Nielsen, Carl) Sidskensang, CNW 348 (Nielsen, Carl) 29 Smaa præludier, Op.51 (Nielsen, Carl) Snefrid, CNW 4 (Nielsen, Carl) Sof sött, du lilla Sonja!, CNW 309 (Nielsen, Carl) Solen er saa rød, Mor, CNW 263 (Nielsen, Carl) Som Dug paa slagne Enge, CNW 299 (Nielsen, Carl) Songs and Verses by J.P. Jacobsen, Op.6 (Nielsen, Carl) Songs, Op.4 (Nielsen, Carl) 6 Songs, Op.10 (Nielsen, Carl) Strophic Songs, Op.21 (Nielsen, Carl) Studie efter Naturen, CNW 303 (Nielsen, Carl) Symphony No.2, Op.16 (Nielsen, Carl) Symphony No.9 (Klenau, Paul von)T U V