(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Flies, Bernhard.)
Bernhard Flies
(ca.1770 — 1851)
Name in Other Languages: ברנהרד פליס, 베르나르드 플리스, بيرنهارد فليس, ベルンハルト・フリース
Aliases: ベルナルト・フリース
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 44485047, LCCN: n87138219, ISNI: 0000000122680789, GND: 134723759, SUDOC: 161624308, BNF: 13893981v, BIBSYS: 3031683, MusicBrainz: 05bd5c9f-9c71-4bd6-a557-238e3fed2016, NKC: xx0020511, BNE: XX1652651, IATH: w6v14hd1
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Pages in category "Flies, Bernhard/Collections"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.