(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Filtz, Johann Anton.)
Johann Anton Filtz
(22 September 1733 — 14 March 1760)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Fils, Filz, Fieltz, Jan Antonín Fils, Antonio Fils
Name in Other Languages: Anton Fils, Antonín Fils, Антон Фильс, Anton Filtz, Άντον Φιλς, アントン・フィルツ, انتون فيلس
Aliases: Johann Anton Fils, Anton Filz, Антон Фильц, Антонин Фильс, Фильс Антон, Фильс, Антон, Фильц, Антон, Антонин Филс
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 24801562, LCCN: n83151256, ISNI: 0000000108139988, GND: 118687212, SELIBR: 213987, SUDOC: 142706477, BNF: 14804806b, MusicBrainz: 543a42f3-8d68-4692-a64f-ad842b3d11e3, NLA: 36041287, NKC: jn20000620075, BNE: XX1775090, CiNii: DA10737778, IATH: w6251hq5
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External links
- Detailed biography: Wikipedia
- External work lists:
See also
Miscellaneous information
- As with all composers of the 18th century and before the exact dates of birth and death may be off by a few days due to discrepancies between a birth and baptism, death and funeral service, calendar changes, etc.
Pages in category "Filtz, Johann Anton/Collections"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.