(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Fesca, Friedrich Ernst.)
Friedrich Ernst Fesca
(15 February 1789 — 24 May 1826)
Name in Other Languages: Frederic Ernest Fesca, Frederik Ernest Fesca, フリードリヒ・フェスカ, Фридрих Эрнст Феска, فريديريك ايرنيست فيسكا, [2 more...]Фрідріх Ернст Феска, Фридрих Ернст Феска
Aliases: Friedrich Fesca, Феска Фридрих Эрнст
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 7655217, LCCN: no93013380, ISNI: 0000000080871914, [7 more...]GND: 116473843, SELIBR: 306959, BNF: 14849936k, MusicBrainz: 6d4944ef-2847-4523-bb9f-38f39164cc3a, NKC: mzk2009544761, BNE: XX1635000, IATH: w6v98m1m
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External links
- Detailed biography: Wikipedia
- External work lists: The Harmonicon (a worklist provided to the authors by the composer in his own handwriting and transcribed, including several unpublished works.)
See also
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