(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Edelmann, Jean-Frédéric.)
Jean-Frédéric Edelmann
(5 May 1749 — 17 July 1794)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Johann Friedrich Edelmann
Name in Other Languages: Эдельман, Жан Фредерик, ジャン・フレデリック・エデルマン, Jean-Frederic Edelmann, जीन फ्रेडेरिक एडेलमैन, چين فريديريك اديلمان, Jean Frédéric Edelmann, 장프레데리크 에델만, Johann Friedrich Edelmann
Aliases: Жан Фредерик Эдельман, Jean-frédéric edelmann
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 71584210, LCCN: n90640082, ISNI: 0000000082621900, GND: 116354720, SUDOC: 060253975, BNF: 13955968g, BIBSYS: 1581514964216, MusicBrainz: c768358b-8625-4152-979f-74b2a090d53e, NKC: js20030623010, ICCU: MUSV023932, IATH: w6x92wnb
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