(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Duni, Egidio.)
Egidio Duni
(baptized 11 February 1708 — 11 June 1775)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Egide Duny ; Egidio Romualdo Duni
Name in Other Languages: Egidio Romualdo Duni, אג'ידיו דוני, Эджидио Дуни, エジーディオ・ロムアルド・ドゥーニ, اجيديو دونى
Aliases: Egidio Romoaldo Duni, Égide Romuald Duni, Дуни Эджидио, Эджидио Ромуальдо Дуни, Эджидио Ромоальдо Дуни, Duni, Egidio Romoaldo Duny, Egide Duny
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 12569649, LCCN: n88023796, ISNI: 0000000115602803, GND: 104207019, SUDOC: 033809860, BNF: 14785405m, BIBSYS: 1542227321084, MusicBrainz: 92d8ed54-2b3f-4bcc-b877-968dd6ab159b, NLA: 35170450, NKC: mzk2009528505, ICCU: AQ1V007917, BNE: XX4877457, CiNii: DA14045062, IATH: w6tf03ft
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Pages in category "Duni, Egidio/Collections"
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