(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Du Mont, Henry.)
Henry Du Mont
(ca.1610 — 8 May 1684)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Henri Du Mont de Thier, Henry de Thier ; Henri/Henry Dumont
Name in Other Languages: Henri Dumont, Henri Du Mont, هنري دومون, Генри Дюмон, هنرى دومون
Aliases: Henry de Thier, Henry Du Mont de Thier, Henry Dumont
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 89652756, LCCN: n81139129, ISNI: 0000000121430577, GND: 11867269X, SELIBR: 215059, SUDOC: 050324659, BNF: 138935018, BPN: 90090347, MusicBrainz: c61b26b8-921e-49d8-96c8-7d5479fedef2, NLA: 35907467, NKC: jn20000601401, ICCU: UBOV059774, BNE: XX911079, CiNii: DA05586924, IATH: w6b56r1g
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Pages in category "Du Mont, Henry/Collections"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
| M cont.
- Meslanges à 2, 3, 4 et 5 parties (Du Mont, Henry)
- 5 Messes en plein-chant (Du Mont, Henry)
- Motets à 2, 3 et 4 parties (Du Mont, Henry)
- Motets à deux voix, avec la basse-continue (Du Mont, Henry)
- Motets de Mr. Dumont a 4 parties (Du Mont, Henry)
- Motets pour la chapelle du Roy (Du Mont, Henry)