(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Dieter, Christian Ludwig.)
Christian Ludwig Dieter
(13 June 1757 — 15 May 1822)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Chrétien-Louis Dietter
Name in Other Languages: Христиан Людвиг Дитер
Aliases: Christian Ludwig Dietter, Дитер Христиан Людвиг
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 307203003, LCCN: n81108882, ISNI: 0000000440382357, GND: 116111097, BNF: 148412419, MusicBrainz: 5bb4db95-6cc1-432c-8a44-2084d4ceea7e, NKC: mzk2009512059, ICCU: MUSV022511, BNE: XX1745104, CiNii: DA12998160
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Pages in category "Dieter, Christian Ludwig/Collections"
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