(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Cooke, Thomas.)
Thomas Cooke
(1782 — 26 February 1848)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Thomas Simpson Cooke (Cook), Tom Cooke
Name in Other Languages: Thomas Simpson Cooke, توماس كوك, Томас Кук, টমাস কুক
Aliases: Tom Cooke, Том Кук, Кук Том, Томас Симпсон Кук, Кук Томас Симпсон
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 44727402, LCCN: n82225845, ISNI: 0000000066672038, [3 more...]GND: 103879358, MusicBrainz: 58182ae4-ff4d-4aba-8484-3c7ef1ea4885, ICCU: MUSV017834
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