(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Colman, George.)
George Colman
(21 October 1762 — 17 October 1836)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: George Colman the Younger; Arthur Griffinhoof; Coleman
Name in Other Languages: George Colman der Jüngere, George Colman the Younger, George Colman le Jeune, Джордж Колмен Младший, George Colman d.y., [7 more...]喬治·科曼, 乔治·科曼, George Colman il Giovane, George Colman yr Ieuengaf, جورج كولمان الاصغر, Genç George Colman, George Colman den yngre
Aliases: George Coleman
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 30345422, LCCN: n50029130, ISNI: 0000000081101268, [7 more...]GND: 119384329, SUDOC: 057009147, BNF: 12951208k, NLA: 35029913, ICCU: MUSV017201, CiNii: DA01467843, IATH: w6ms3sx3
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