(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Cardon, Jean-Baptiste.)
Jean-Baptiste Cardon
(1760 — 11 March 1803)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jean Baptist Cardon; Cardon fils; Giovanni Battista Cardoni
Name in Other Languages: Кардон, Жан Батист, Jean Baptist Cardon
Aliases: Жан Батист Кардон, Jean Baptiste Cardon
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 29723198, LCCN: n89632739, ISNI: 0000000081089860, GND: 103814558, [5 more...]BNF: 13944609p, MusicBrainz: 4f02f02c-b50b-44fa-9e90-6a7178888321, NKC: jn20040506002, BNE: XX1568443, CiNii: DA1395881X
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Often, it seems, confused with his brother Louis Stanislas Cardon, or his father Jean-Guillain Cardon (1732–1788). Born in the Netherlands [source?], died in Russia (St. Petersburg). Not the same as
Jean-Baptiste Cardonne of course.
Fetis lists Louis Cardon the harpist (1747-1803).
Pages in category "Cardon, Jean-Baptiste/Books"
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