(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Burns, Robert .)
Robert Burns (25 January 1759 — 21 July 1796)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Berns, Rabbie Burns, Robden of Solway Firth, the Bard of Ayrshire
Name in Other Languages: روبرت برنز , Robert Berns , رابرت برنز , Роберт Бёрнс , Робэрт Бэрнз , [25 more... ] Робърт Бърнс , রবার্ট বার্ণ্স , ڕۆبێرت بەرنز , Ρόμπερτ Μπερνς , Raibeart Burns , רוברט ברנס , रॉबर्ट बर्न्स , Ռոբերտ Բըրնս , ロバート・バーンズ , რობერტ ბერნსი , Бернс Роберт , ರಾಬರ್ಟ್ ಬರ್ನ್ಸ್ , 로버트 번스 , Robertus Burns , Roberts Bērnss , Роберт Бернс , റോബർട്ട് ബേൺസ് , رابرٹ برنز , ராபர்ட் பர்ன்ஸ் , Роберт Бернз , Byorns Robert , 罗伯特·彭斯 , 伯恩斯 , 羅伯特·伯恩斯 , 罗伯特·伯恩斯
Aliases: Rabbie Burns , روبرت بيرنز , Burns , Rabbie burns , Борнс , [37 more... ] Роберт Бэрнс , Борнс, Роберт , Борнс Роберт , Бернс, Роберт , Роберт Борнс , Бёрнс Р. , Бернс Р. , Бёрнс Роберт , Р. Бернс , Р. Борнс , Р. Бернз , Борнз Роберт , Борнс Р. , Бернз Р. , Робэрт Бёрнс , Робэрт Бэрнс , Robbie burns , Р. Бёрнс , 로버트 번즈 , רוברט ברנז , Robby Burns , RObaRT bENs , Ռոբերտ Բյորնս , रॉबी बर्न्स , द बार्ड ऑफ एरशायर , Бърнс , ბერნსი , Robbie Burns , Scotland's favorite son , Ploughman Poet , Bard of Ayrshire , The Bard , National poet of Scotland , Robden of Solway Firth , fillo predilecto d'Escocia , o bardo de l'Ayrshire , La Bardo de Ayrshire
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 32012434 , LCCN : n78088009 , ISNI : 0000000081108515 , [14 more... ] GND : 118517775 , SELIBR : 179747 , SUDOC : 028519841 , BNF : 120339604 , BIBSYS : 99055578 , MusicBrainz : 56e7d9b7-174b-4e29-a50d-f164030d197f , NLA : 35024015 , NDL : 00434898 , NKC : jn19990001237 , ICCU : SBLV075478 , RLS : 000114660 , BNE : XX929304 , CiNii : DA00451633 , IATH : w6nv9g84
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Pages in category "Burns, Robert/Librettist"
The following 129 pages are in this category, out of 129 total.
❉ – All (129) 🔊 – Recordings (2) 𝐍 – Naxos (25) S – Scores (116) P – Parts (5) V – Vocal Scores (3) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (22) 🔀 📻
A B C The Campbells Are Coming (Folk Songs, Scottish) Chanson écossaise, M.A 12 (Ravel, Maurice) Chansons écossaises (Tomasi, Henri) 7 Chansons (Gédalge, André) Charming Chloe (German, Edward) 2 Choruses for Male Voices, Op.53 (MacDowell, Edward) 6 Choruses on poems by English poets (Sokolov, Alexander) The Cotter's Saturday Night, Op.39 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)D E F G 3 Gedichte, Op.22 (Fesca, Alexander) 51 Gemischte Chöre (Lafite, Carl) 12 Gesänge, Op.1 (Franz, Robert) 12 Gesänge, Op.4 (Franz, Robert) 6 Gesänge, Op.9 (Franz, Robert) 6 Gesänge, Op.26 (Hiller, Ferdinand) 4 Gesänge, Op.41 (Hiller, Ferdinand) Gestalten und Erinnerungen, Op.34 (Bungert, August) Green Grow the Rashes O!, GP 203 (Bax, Arnold) A Group of Songs, Op.1 (Gilbert, Henry Franklin Belknap)H I J L Længsel, CNW 356 (Nielsen, Carl) 7 Lieder nach Robert Burns, Op.103 (Marschner, Heinrich) Lieder und Gesänge für Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass (Schumann, Robert) 20 Lieder und Gesänge (Dresel, Otto) Lieder und Gesänge, Vol.I, Op.27 (Schumann, Robert) 7 Lieder von Robert Burns, Op.49 (Jensen, Adolf) 3 Lieder, JWV 129 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel) 6 Lieder, Op.1 (Stavenhagen, Bernhard) 3 Lieder, Op.6 (Gall, Jan Karol) 3 Lieder, Op.15 (Zenger, Max) 3 Lieder, Op.21 (Fesca, Alexander) 4 Lieder, Op.21 (Goldmark, Carl) 6 Lieder, Op.22 (Dietrich, Albert Hermann) 4 Lieder, Op.23 (Holstein, Franz von) 5 Lieder, Op.34 (Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm) 5 Lieder, Op.55 (Schumann, Robert) 5 Lieder, Op.63 (Brüll, Ignaz)L cont. M N O O, du er lig en Rose rød, Op.32 No.7 (Rosenfeld, Leopold) O, Whistle and I'll Come to You, My Lad (Hopekirk, Helen) Oh Onochie O (Folk Songs, Scottish) Oh, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast (Jewell, Lucina) 2 Old Songs, Op.9 (MacDowell, Edward)P R Rantin', Rovin' Robin (Folk Songs, Scottish) Rattlin' Roaring Willie (Folk Songs, Scottish) A Red, Red Rose (Hastings, Frank Seymour) 3 Robert Burns Songs (McIntyre, Richard) Romanzen und Balladen, Op.67 (Schumann, Robert) Romanzen und Balladen, Op.75 (Schumann, Robert) Romanzen und Balladen, Op.146 (Schumann, Robert)S 12 Sange, Op.5 (Bechgaard, Julius) 5 Sange, Op.16 (Kjerulf, Halfdan) Schottische Lieder und Gesänge, Op.21 (Jähns, Friedrich Wilhelm) 6 Schottische Lieder, Op.18 (Brüll, Ignaz) The Scotish Minstrel (Smith, Robert Archibald) Scotish Songs (Ritson, Joseph) The Scots Musical Museum (Folk Songs, Scottish) 32 Scottish Folksongs, B.707-738 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 70 Scottish Songs (Hopekirk, Helen) Scottish Songs (Tomlyn, Alfred William) A Select Collection of Original Irish Airs (Thomson, George) A Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs (Thomson, George) A Select Collection of Original Welsh Airs (Thomson, George) 50 Selected Songs of Burns (Folk Songs, Scottish) Sing on, Op.223 (Mekaev, Alexander) The Songs of Robert Burns (Folk Songs, Scottish) Songs of the Poets (Loder, Edward James) 4 Songs (Speaks, Oley) 5 Songs, Op.2 (Backer-Grøndahl, Agathe) 3 Songs, Op.10 (Foote, Arthur) 3 Songs, Op.12 (Beach, Amy Marcy) 5 Songs, Op.13 (Foote, Arthur) 6 Songs, Op.18 (Davies, Walford) 3 Songs, Op.29 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel) 2 Songs, Op.34 (MacDowell, Edward) 4 Songs, Op.43 (Brandeis, Frederick) 5 Songs, Op.43 (Beach, Amy Marcy) Sprays of Heather (Park, Edna Rosalind)T V W Y Z