(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Braun, Karl Johann.)
Karl Johann Braun
(6 June 1802 — 26 November 1866)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Karl Johann Braun von Braunthal ; Karl Johann Braun Ritter von Braunthal ; Jean Charles (von Braunthal)
Name in Other Languages: Karl Johann Braun von Braunthal, Karl Braun von Braunthal
Aliases: Braun von Braunthal, Johannes Karl Braun, Johannes Karl Braun von Braunthal, Braun von Braunthal, Johannes Karl, Jean Charles, Karl Johann Braun, Ritter von Braunthal
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 37666964, LCCN: n85160938, ISNI: 000000006676600X, GND: 116428384, SELIBR: 223045, MusicBrainz: 6104f761-fffe-47d3-ae75-19ccd7f0f4a1, NKC: mzk2003217161
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Pages in category "Braun, Karl Johann/Librettist"
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