(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Brandt, Karl Wilhelm.)
Karl Wilhelm Brandt
(1869 — 2 February 1923)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Willy Brandt, Vassily G. Brandt, Карл Вильгельм (Вилли) Брандт, Василий Георгиевич Брандт, ويلي براندت, ウィリー-ブラント
Name in Other Languages: Брандт, Василий Георгиевич, Vasily Brandt, Vasiliy Georgievitsj Brandt, Vasilij Brandt, Karl Wilhelm (Vasily Georgiervich) Brandt, ڤاسيلى براندت, Vasilij Georgievič Brandt, Willi Brandt, فيلي براندت, Vasilij Georgijevič Brandt
Aliases: Василий Брандт, Брандт, Василий, Василий Георгиевич Брандт, Брандт Василий Георгиевич, Vasilij Georgijevitsj Brandt, Vasily Georgiyevich Brandt, Willy Brandt, Wassili Georgijewitsch Brandt, Willi Brandt (composer)
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 18156335, LCCN: n89665471, ISNI: 0000000114389553, GND: 124409598, SUDOC: 251444031, BNF: 13951830j, BIBSYS: 1011367, MusicBrainz: e7ddd923-b653-4775-9b1f-0ccd4040ae16, NKC: mzk2013767724, CiNii: DA11810148
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Pages in category "Brandt, Karl Wilhelm/Collections"
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