(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Braga, Gaetano.)
Gaetano Braga
(9 June 1829 — 21 November 1907)
Name in Other Languages: ガエターノ・ブラーガ, Гаэтано Брага, جايتانو براجا, 가에타노 브라가, Գաետանո Բրագա
Aliases: Брага Гаэтано
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 64203412, LCCN: n88665531, ISNI: 0000000081438418, GND: 138222525, BNF: 14009893x, BIBSYS: 4022343, MusicBrainz: 69900dd7-3fbe-4c37-b34a-2f99cbd92ff8, NKC: xx0014382, ICCU: FERV069466, BNE: XX858671, CiNii: DA11358210, IATH: w6255309
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Pages in category "Braga, Gaetano/Collections"
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