(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Blumenthal, Joseph von.)
Joseph von Blumenthal
(1 November 1782 — 9 September 1856)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Joseph de Blumenthal, Giuseppe di Blumenthal
Name in Other Languages: Joseph Blumenthal, Lleonard comte de Blumenthal, Josef von Blumenthal, چوزيف ڤون بلومينثال
Aliases: Joseph Baron von Blumenthal, Giuseppe di Blumenthal
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 61467477, LCCN: nr99024993, ISNI: 0000000080401621, [3 more...]GND: 116209429, MusicBrainz: 4b933f95-2d39-4dce-8f4e-b0daf570f19d, NKC: mzk2009512376
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Born in Belgium of an Austrian family (Baron Joseph von Blumenthal and Baroness Maria Therese, née Malabreck); his father worked for the Austrian government in Belgium.