(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Blake, Charles Dupee.)
Charles Dupee Blake
(13 September 1847 — 23 November 1903)
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See also
Miscellaneous information
- Blake was an extremely prolific composer of 19th century salon trifles, amassing several hundred opus numbers.
I think again "yesterday" is relative to the 24th, when it was written, and not 25, the day that appears on the paper. November 23 according to The Boston Herald of January 1 1904. Biography lists J.K. Paine (probably? John Knowles Paine), J.C.D. Parker (perhaps James Cutler Dunn Parker (1828–1916)) and Ryder (possibly Thomas Philando Ryder?) among his teachers and Walpole, Massachusetts as his birthplace.