(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Bemberg, Herman.)
Herman Bemberg
(29 March 1859 — 21 July 1931)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Hermann, Henri
Name in Other Languages: エルマン・ベンベルグ, هيرمان بيمبيرج, Hermann Bemberg
Aliases: Herman Emanuel Bemberg Ocampo
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 102345526, LCCN: no93005391, ISNI: 000000011079771X, GND: 134644727, SUDOC: 191358568, BNF: 139557020, BIBSYS: 8083366, MusicBrainz: eaec43cd-7a7a-416a-b185-e44edcd48bda, NLA: 67278133, NKC: mzk2011664497, ICCU: CUBV016205, BNE: XX1683508, CiNii: DA10902626, IATH: w64n0fbg
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Pages in category "Bemberg, Herman/Collections"
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