(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Belli, Giulio.)
Giulio Belli
(1560 — 1621)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Julius Bellus
Name in Other Languages: Джуліо Беллі, جيوليو بيلى, Julius Belli
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 32932632, LCCN: n88619667, ISNI: 0000000083427472, GND: 124535895, SUDOC: 250483424, BNF: 147514051, MusicBrainz: 719a66e5-4647-4319-8569-2c3d33d093d3, NKC: jn20040105011
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Pages in category "Belli, Giulio/Collections"
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