(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Bellavere, Vincenzo.)
Vincenzo Bellavere
(ca.1540 — 29 August 1587)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Bell’haver, Bellaver, Bel’haver, Bell’avere, Bellhauer, Bell-Hauer, Bell'Hauer, Belaver
Name in Other Languages: Винченцо Беллавере, Вінченцо Беллавере, ڤينسينزو بيلاڤير, 温琴佐·贝拉韦雷
Aliases: Беллавере Винченцо, Vincenzo Bell'haver, Vincenzo Bell'avere, Vincenzo Bellaver
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 202145542527796640674, LCCN: nr89005965, ISNI: 0000000081163565, SUDOC: 221440062, BNF: 139496792, MusicBrainz: d11a0241-3b6c-40ff-af4d-5dbffd38aff5, NKC: xx0169057, BNE: XX5029124, CiNii: DA13080363
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