(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Barthélemon, Maria.)
Maria Barthélemon
(7 July 1749 — 20 September 1799)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Maria Young, Mary Young, Polly Young, Polly Barthélemon; Barthélémon
Name in Other Languages: Polly Young, Мэри Янг, A. Polly Young, پولى يونج
Aliases: Mary Young, Maria Young, Polly Barthélemon, Mary Barthélémon, Polly Barthelemon, Maria Barthelemon, Mary Barthelemon
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 64316553, LCCN: nr93022764, ISNI: 0000000081441166, GND: 137079974, BNF: 155336581, MusicBrainz: 920f3c0a-19ec-4825-b43e-31e9b648ab19, BNE: XX5025606, IATH: w6b574db
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