(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Balocchi, Luigi.)
Luigi Balocchi
(ca.1766 — ca.1832)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Louis Balochi, Luigi Balochi, Giuseppe Luigi Balloco
Name in Other Languages: Giuseppe Luigi Balloco, Giuseppe Luigi Balocchi
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 236513304, LCCN: n85027341, ISNI: 000000010782510X, GND: 122944607, SUDOC: 033945780, BNF: 124751242, BIBSYS: 3100078, NLA: 35858220, NDL: 00881035, NKC: pna2012739209, ICCU: CFIV189816, BNE: XX1510490, CiNii: DA05028506
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Pages in category "Balocchi, Luigi/Librettist"
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