(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Böhm, Joseph.)
Joseph Böhm
(4 March 1795 — 28 March 1876)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Boehm ; Böhm József
Name in Other Languages: Іозеф Бём, Йозеф Бём, Böhm József, 約瑟夫·伯姆, יוזף בהם, József Böhm, جوزيف بوم, Joseph Bohm, چوزيف بوم (ملحن), Йозеф Бем, ヨーゼフ・ベーム, Јозеф Бем
Aliases: Ёзэф Бём, Бём Йозеф, Бём Й., Бем Й., Бем Йозеф, Joseph Boehm, Josef Boehm
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 29920234, LCCN: nb2016005532, ISNI: 0000000078532227, GND: 102375119, BNF: 14795774g, MusicBrainz: 7ff87082-a937-4c2f-8591-999c429aa18d, NKC: mzk2010576143, IATH: w6kw8kqj
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