(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Aron, Pietro.)
Pietro Aron
(ca.1480 — after 1545)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Pietro Aaron, Piero Aron
Name in Other Languages: بيترو آرون, Pietro Aaron, Πιέτρο Ααρόν, ピエトロ・アーロン, Пьетро Аарон
Aliases: Аарон Пьетро, Pedro Aarão
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 286431484, LCCN: n88609514, ISNI: 0000000118762933, GND: 119157918, SUDOC: 034609407, BNF: 12534769s, MusicBrainz: d2b4605b-f192-42e4-bd48-487bd8a08afd, ICCU: MUSV000061, BNE: XX867964, CiNii: DA02521707, IATH: w6477h8x
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Pages in category "Aron, Pietro/Collections"
The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.