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Galina Altman is a Russian pianist, composer, humanist, filmmaker. She plays piano since she was 2 years old, got her education in the best traditions of the Russian piano school and then graduated Berklee College of Music where she studied jazz improvisation.
Galina Altman writes her own music since 2016 and released 7 albums. Her compositions are mostly written for piano with an occasional addition of voice, drums, guitars etc. She also writes music for films, performance art, video clips and theater, a lot of them awarded by Film festivals as the best music video and the best sound design. The track "Wood Life" for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week 2020 turned the shows of Russian designers into a real global star show.
Galina integrates classical and popular music. It is a combination of minimalism and jazz with elements of western romantic music and baroque pathos. Fast passages, sophisticated rhythm, expressive melody, clear harmony with a slight portion of sharp piquant notes are the essence in Galina Altman’s style of music as well as passion of Tchaikovsky's homeland.