(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Almenräder, Carl.)
Carl Almenräder
(3 October 1786 — 14 September 1846)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Karl, Charles Almenraeder
Name in Other Languages: Carl Almenrader, Карл Альменредер, Carl Almenraeder, كارل المينرادير, カール・アルメンレーダー
Aliases: Almenräder, Альменредер Карл, Алменредер, Альменредер
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 22459949, LCCN: n83051515, ISNI: 0000000059580485, [4 more...]GND: 116010231, BNF: 15592958v, MusicBrainz: 46e15bcc-5ab9-406e-b00c-c98f77ef2024, NKC: jam2009494457
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Important inventor, along with
Johann Adam Heckel (1812-1877) of the modern bassoon. Known as the
Almenräder-Heckel-Fagott or
Heckel-Almenräder-Fagott, it had 27 keys. The
Heckel company of Biebrich (on the Rhine), but originally from the
Musikwinkel (music valley) of
Vogtland near the Czech border, still exists.