(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Aldrich, Thomas Bailey .)
Thomas Bailey Aldrich (11 November 1836 — 19 March 1907)
Name in Other Languages: Олдрич, Томас Бейли , توماس بايلي ألدريش , توماس بیلی آلدریچ , トマス・ベイリー・オルドリッチ , തോമസ് ബെയ്ലി ആൽഡ്രിച്ച് , [2 more... ] توماس بايلى الدريش , תומאס ביילי אולדריץ'
Aliases: Томас Бейли Олдрич , トマス・ベイリー・オールドッリッチ , トーマス・ベイリー・アルドリッチ , Thomas B. Aldrich , Thomas Aldrich
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 67259007 , LCCN : n50037325 , ISNI : 0000000109114205 , [12 more... ] GND : 118644521 , SELIBR : 333880 , SUDOC : 059196416 , BNF : 10563045z , BIBSYS : 14759 , MusicBrainz : f401a686-9321-42a3-bff4-22ef43c70ba1 , NDL : 00771140 , NKC : jo20010088881 , ICCU : MILV106808 , BNE : XX1574012 , CiNii : DA04517686 , IATH : w6kh0p10
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Pages in category "Aldrich, Thomas Bailey/Librettist"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
❉ – All (23) 𝐍 – Naxos (1) S – Scores (23) P – Parts (1) 🔀
A B C G I L M O P R S Sea Drift, Op.69 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel) Songs by 30 Americans (Hughes, Rupert) Songs of the Land of Sunset (Webster, Joseph Philbrick) 2 Songs (Chadwick, George Whitefield) 15 Songs (Chadwick, George Whitefield) 6 Songs, Op.12 (Schlesinger, Sebastian Bensen) 4 Songs, Op.14 (Beach, Amy Marcy) 9 Songs, Op.19 (Lynes, Frank) 6 Songs, Op.43 (Foote, Arthur) Sonnet (Horsman, Edward)U