20 Songs (Klenau, Paul von)

Sheet Music


Editor Elly Bruunshuus Petersen
Engraver DCM
Publisher. Info. Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2010.
Made available by courtesy of the Danish Centre for Music.
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General Information

Work Title 20 Songs
Alternative. Title 20 Sange til tekster af Ludvig Holstein
Composer Klenau, Paul von
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. IPK 9
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 20 songs
  1. Det er I Dag et Vejr. Livligt og straalende (G major)
  2. Sang bag Ploven (I Solen gaar jeg bag min Plov). Kraftigt og glad (A minor)
  3. Det gyldenhvide Himmellys. Roligt flydende (C minor)
  4. Solskin i Stuen (I en lys og lystig Lue). Let og hastigt (E major)
  5. Kys mig paa Øjnene, Sol! Alla breve (E major)
  6. Aa, se dog, min Veninde. Stille og inderligt (E major)
  7. Luk dine Øjne. Hurtigt og flygtigt (F minor)
  8. Her staar de samme Lygter. Langsomt skridende (E minor)
  9. Fyldt med Blomster blusser Æbletræets Gren. Let og svævende (E major)
  10. Viol (Min lille Blomst!) Enkelt, som en Folkevise (B-flat major)
  11. Den milde Majluft. Livligt og fornøjet (G major)
  12. I vor lave Stue. Jævnt gaaende (B major)
  13. En Duft af Viol. Roligt flydende (C major)
  14. Veninde, luk Verandadøren op! Let og lystig (A-flat major)
  15. Jeg gik mig ud, da Sol oprandt. Bredt og i Folkevisetone (F major)
  16. Æbleblomst (Du fine, hvide Æbleblomst!) Duftig og lyksalig (E major)
  17. Sjælland (Vi Sletternes Sønner). Kraftigt or stærkt (E major)
  18. Uro (I Skoven? Nej! Ved Stranden? Nej!) Uroligt og hastigt (A minor)
  19. Erindringens Sø (Træd stille, min Veninde). Melankolsk drømmende (C major)
  20. Det er Lærkernes Tid. Straalende frisk (A major)
Librettist Ludvig Holstein (1864-1943)
Language Danish
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation voice, piano
External Links Det Kongelige Bibliotek

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The songs are part of the comprehensive Collection of Klenau Manuscripts which was bought by The Royal Library from a private owner in Vienna in 2005. Two manuscripts hold the songs: an autograph manuscript with music and text of the fi rst stanza of each song, including rhythmic and melodic variants for the other stanzas where relevant, and a transcript copy of the songs including all stanzas.

All the texts are taken from Ludvig Holstein’s collection, Digte (Poems), which was published in 1895. Klenau’s songs were never printed, but the fact that the names of singers and indication of transpositions have been added to some of them indicates public performances of the songs in question.

It appears from sketches and drafts in the autograph manuscript that Klenau himself later wrote new texts to the music, which he had already written for six of the Holstein songs.

These six songs (with Klenau’s new texts) were published around 1942 as Seks Solsange (Six Songs to the Sun) by the music publishers Engstrøm & Sødring AS without plate numbers.