10 Polish Folk Songs (Szopski, Felicjan)

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Sheet Music


Publisher. Info. Glasgow: The Polish Library, 1944. Plate
Misc. Notes No copyright claim for US

General Information

Work Title 10 Polish Folk Songs
Alternative. Title 10 Pieśni Ludowych
Composer Szopski, Felicjan
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 10 folk songs
1. Wyjezdzojze Z Nami - Come, Come away with us
2. Uśnij-ze mi uśnij - Sleep now, my baby
3. Som, som, som, W Stawie Rybecki - Fish, fish, fish, tiny little fish
4. Tam W Krakowie, W Pieknym Domku - There in Cracow stays my darling
5. Mȯj Wionecku Z Barwinecku - Periwinkle wreath, I had thee hung
6. Kolo Mego Ogrȯdecka - In my garden, in the bower
7. Kiedym Jechoƚ od Dziewecķi - When I said good-bye and parted
8. Przyjechoƚ Do Nij - Booted and ribboned
9. Hejze Ino, Fijoƚecku Leśny - Heigh ho, bluebell
10. Niedaleko Jeziora - By the lake on yonder lea
First Publication. 1944 ?
Librettist Traditional, Jan Śliwiński (1884-1950), English text
Language Polish, English
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation piano