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Performances [show]
Sheet Music
Full Scores
Orchestral Suite
Publisher. Info.
Paris: Durand et Cie., 1925. Plate D. & F. 10,672.
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Vocal Scores
Publisher. Info.
Paris: Durand et Cie., 1922. Plate D. & F. 10,145.
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General Information
Work Title
Œdipe à Colone
Alternative. Title
Musique pour la Tragédie de Sophocle
Ropartz, Guy
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
IGR 93
4 acts, 16 scenes
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp.
First Publication.
Sophocles, translated by Georges Rivollet
Fernand Baldensperger
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Early 20th century
Piece Style
Early 20th century
Voices, chorus, orchestra
Navigation etc.
Unless we're creating separate pages for the orchestral suite and the larger set of incidental music (which can be seen (vocal score) at Internet Archive (see above), the "tag" should certainly include voices and chorus. (There are also melodramas- recited scenes- throughout the work.)